Are salted nuts bad for you?

An analysis of the Australian Health Survey data found only two per cent Australians were eating the recommended 30g of nuts a day. One of the reasons for this shortfall is concern about the salt in nuts. But do salted nuts deserve their bad rap? And how does their sodium content compare with other foods? … Continue reading Are salted nuts bad for you?

Nuts and health handbook

Following the fantastic response to our 2019 handbook, we’re excited to release this new 2020 edition. Packed with new research, recipes, our latest resources, and 2019’s most asked questions, it’s everything you need to arm yourself for the year. Help support your patients with succinct, trustworthy information at your fingertips. Review our previous handbooks Nuts … Continue reading Nuts and health handbook

Heart health research

The body of evidence about nuts and heart health continues to grow, with new local and international research papers regularly published. Large population studies All found inverse associations between nut consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease. A possible protective effect of nut consumption on risk of coronary heart disease. The Adventist Health Study. … Continue reading Heart health research

Webinar: Nuts, nutrients and better health

Missed out on our recent webinar? Dr. Elizabeth Neale, University of Wollongong presented the results of a recent re-analysis of the Australian Health Survey (AHS) data exploring the relationship of nut consumption vs. non-nut consumption on nutrient intakes and anthropometric data. Nutrition scientist, Dr. Flavia Fayet-Moore revealed the results of some exciting research about the … Continue reading Webinar: Nuts, nutrients and better health


In 2003, a large randomised trial to test the effectiveness of a Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in subjects at high risk of CVD, commenced.  The name PREDIMED in Spanish comes from: PREvencion con DIeta MEDiterranea. The PREDIMED study was a long-term study undertaken by 16 research groups in … Continue reading PREDIMED

Nuts – A summary of their health effects

The health benefits of nuts have been established from decades of research. Evidence consistently shows that regular nut consumption is associated with good health. Being nutrient powerhouses packed with essential nutrients and bioactive substances, it’s no wonder that nuts are emerging as one of the most relevant foods for optimal health.

Can nuts reduce cholesterol?

Yes, nuts can reduce cholesterol. In fact, this is one of the mechanisms that helps to explain how nuts reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that around two handfuls (approximately 60g) per day can significantly reduce both total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol [1, 2]. A large analysis, combining the results of … Continue reading Can nuts reduce cholesterol?

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