Episode 52 – Re-evaluating nut kilojoule labelling
March 2025. Listen here: And available everywhere you listen to podcasts: https://pod.link/thehealthyhandful About this episode Research indicates that the actual…
Yes, nuts can reduce cholesterol. In fact, this is one of the mechanisms that helps to explain how nuts reduce the risk of heart disease.
Studies have shown that around two handfuls (approximately 60g) per day can significantly reduce both total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol [1, 2].
A large analysis, combining the results of 25 cholesterol-lowering studies, found that an average serve of nuts (around 67g, or two handfuls) each day lowered total cholesterol by about 5%, LDL cholesterol by around 7%, and triglycerides by about 10% [2].
Another review, of 61 controlled studies concluded that tree nut intake lowers total and LDL cholesterol, with stronger effects at intakes of greater than 60g of nuts/day [1].
More recently, a review of 29 intervention studies (which all involved people with high blood lipid levels) found nuts effectively raised HDL (good) cholesterol levels. The nut ‘doses’ across the different studies ranged from 15 to 126g a day [3].
The unique fatty acid profile, phytosterols and fibre content of nuts all help to reduce cholesterol.
Published July 15, 2019
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