Nuts and gut health
Healthy dietary patterns, including those that incorporate nuts, benefit gut health. And a healthy gut, in turn, plays a crucial…
Nuts naturally contain a small amount of sugar.
Whilst not regarded as an inherently ‘sugary food’, nuts naturally contain some sugar (around 2-6g/100g, depending on the nut type) in the form of sucrose.
Pistachios contain the most sugar (5.9g/100g) and Brazil nuts the least (2.1g/100g). As a comparison, apples have around 11g sugar/100g, and carrots around 6g sugar/100g.
Did you know? Nuts help to reduce the glycaemic index of a meal, and the glycaemic load of the diet [1, 2]. The protein, healthy fats and fibre content of nuts helps to slow digestion – resulting in a slower and smaller overall rise in blood glucose levels.
Published July 15, 2019
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