Episode 52 – Re-evaluating nut kilojoule labelling
March 2025. Listen here: And available everywhere you listen to podcasts: https://pod.link/thehealthyhandful About this episode Research indicates that the actual…
September 2021.
The prevalence of food allergy is on the rise. In Australia, 10% of infants have an allergy – a rate which is alarmingly high. Approximately 3% of the population have peanut allergy and 1.6% have an allergy to tree nuts.
The good news is we now understand a lot more about trying to prevent food allergies developing, and much research is underway looking at possible treatments.
But what causes allergy? And why is Australia the ‘allergy capital of the world’? We take a look at the evidence and answer these (and many more) questions about food allergy.
Maria Said is the CEO of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA), a position she has held since 1999. Maria works with consumers, teaching and health professionals, the food industry, government and the Australian community.
A registered nurse, Maria is an associate member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and holds a position on several working parties.
She has co-authored numerous publications in medical and food industry journals, and presented at several US and European medical and food industry meetings. Maria is also co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy, a partnership between ASCIA and A&AA, which was launched in Sydney in August 2015.
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia
National Allergy Strategy – Food allergy prevention projects: “NIP allergies in the bub”
Nuts for Life’s baby food recipe booklet
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Host: Belinda Neville
Published September 28, 2021
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