Nuts and gut health
Healthy dietary patterns, including those that incorporate nuts, benefit gut health. And a healthy gut, in turn, plays a crucial…
October 2022.
In this episode of The Healthy Handful podcast, we speak with dietitian Melanie McGrice about the evidence behind diet, nuts and fertility, and why the first 1,000 days of life is so critical.
Good nutrition can optimise both egg and sperm health. From selenium and omega-3s for men, to iodine and choline for women, optimal intake of particular nutrients is crucial to lay the foundation during pre-conception, post-conception and pregnancy, and ultimately for the healthy development of a baby.
We also ask Melanie to dive a little deeper into the role nuts may play, as part of a healthy diet, in supporting fertility.
Melanie McGrice is a leading fertility and prenatal dietitian. She is the founder of the Early Life Nutrition Alliance which seeks to support health care professionals to advocate for the role of nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life through the provision of training, coaches and resources.
Melanie hosts a YouTube channel called ‘Nourish with Melanie’. This provides Q&As about nutrition for fertility, pregnancy and new parents. She runs a Melbourne-based nutrition practice for clients wanting personalised support.
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and IVF success rate among non-obese women attempting fertility
Free fertility meal plan – www.melaniemcgrice.com/fertility
Free pregnancy meal plan – www.melaniemcgrice.com/pregnancy
Free journal club for health care professionals – www.earlylifenutritionalliance.com
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Host: Belinda Neville
Published October 18, 2022
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