April 2023.

About this episode

We speak with Emeritus Professor Linda Tapsell for a deep dive into a topic close to our heart: nuts and blood lipids. She summarises the findings from the body of scientific evidence, and explains exactly how nuts impacts blood lipids, the ideal amount to eat, and the types of nuts with the greatest effect.

Linda outlines a new comprehensive review, published in Nutrients, which identified 19 systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled controls into the effects of nut consumption on blood lipids and lipoproteins.

This paper highlights the need for population-wide dietary changes to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – and importantly, this includes a daily handful of nuts.   

About today’s guest

Professor Linda Tapsell is well recognised in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.

A founding member of the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, she was instrumental in establishing the professional Nutrition and Dietetics programs, and later led the discipline into the new Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, at the University of Wollongong.

She is an inaugural Fellow of Dietitians Australia (DA), a Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Australia, and an Emeritus Member of the American Society of Nutrition, where she is recognised in the 2022 Class of Fellows. In 2015, Linda was awarded an Order of Australia (AM) for ‘significant service to health science as an academic and clinician specialising in diet and nutrition’.

Linda has produced more than 250 publications in scientific journals, has educated and supported a generation of nutrition scientists, dietitians, academics and research fellows, and supervised 25 PhD graduates.

Prof Linda Tapsell

Supporting resources

Effects of nut consumption on blood lipids and lipoproteins: A comprehensive literature update

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Host: Belinda Neville

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