Nuts and gut health
Healthy dietary patterns, including those that incorporate nuts, benefit gut health. And a healthy gut, in turn, plays a crucial…
June 2024.
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of Australia’s biggest health challenges – being a major cause of illness, disability and mortality. Around three in four Australians are at risk of developing CVD, and in 2023, it ranked fourth in terms of total disease burden.
But it can be prevented.
Clinical Cardiologist David Colquhoun talks us through the risk factors for CVD, and what can be done to help prevent (and manage) this chronic disease.
From nuts, avocado and olive oil, to smoking and exercise, David explains what Australians can do to turn this around.
Associate Professor David Colquhoun is a cardiologist who has been in private practice in Queensland for more than 35 years.
He has been involved in clinical practice and research in the fields of cardiology, lipids, nutrition, diabetes, obesity, nutraceutical and psychological aspects of heart disease. His private clinical research unit, Core Research Group, is currently active in 17 trials.
A/Prof Colquhoun is on the Consultant of Consultant Specialists for the Australian Medical Association, a board member of the National Heart Foundation of Australia, and the outgoing Chair of the Preventive Cardiology Council of the Cardiac Society of Australian and New Zealand.
Effects of a macadamia nut enriched diet on serum lipids and lipoproteins compared to a low fat diet
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Host: Belinda Neville
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Published June 26, 2024
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