March 2025.

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About this episode

Research indicates that the actual kilojoules absorbed by the body from eating nuts is significantly less than the kilojoules stated on food labels.

In fact, the 100-year-old system used to calculate kilojoules for food labels, here in Australia and across the globe, may overestimate the kilojoule content of nuts by up to 26%. This raises some questions. Should labels be updated to reflect these findings? And what do Australians think about this idea?  

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Cassandra Nikodijevic. She shares insights on the digestible kilojoules in nuts – and specifically, nut energy labelling, from the final stage of her PhD research.

Cassandra discusses the barriers to nut consumption, the preferred changes in labelling, and whether labelling changes, if they were to go ahead, would help Australians to eat more nuts.  

Key take-outs:

  • Nuts are not linked to weight gain
  • Nuts are under-consumed, and concerns about weight gain with nuts is one reason why people avoid eating them.
  • Proposed labelling changes may be useful, but won’t necessarily address all the concerns about nuts. Instead, they may increase the confusion that already exists around understanding nutrition information panels on food labels.

About today’s guest

Dr Cassandra Nikodijevic is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Associate Lecturer at the University of Wollongong. Her PhD research explored the energy-regulating mechanisms of nuts and the implications for nutrition labelling.

Cassandra also works in private practice as a clinical dietitian. 

Dr Cassandra Nikodijevic

Supporting resources

The effects of tree nut and peanut consumption on energy compensation and energy expenditure: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The metabolizable energy and lipid bioaccessibility of tree nuts and peanuts: A systematic review with narrative synthesis of human and in vitro studies

Metabolisable energy from nuts and patterns of nut consumption in the Australian population: A secondary analysis of the 2011-12 NNPAS

Knowledge, practices and perceptions of energy labelling of nut products among Australian consumers and stakeholders: An online survey

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Host: Belinda Neville

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