Nuts and gut health
Healthy dietary patterns, including those that incorporate nuts, benefit gut health. And a healthy gut, in turn, plays a crucial…
June 2021.
Australians today are much more knowledgeable than in the past when it comes to the environmental credentials of the food they eat. As the expectations on corporate responsibility increase, and as transparency becomes more prevalent, companies and industries recognise the need to act on sustainability.
This episode forms part of a series on sustainability, where we speak with an expert from one of the largest nut industries in Australia – the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS).
Their approach is to identify the key aspects of sustainability and work to improve performance in each area. From water use and pesticides to waste management, learn about what this industry is doing to ensure quality macadamias are produced, without compromising the health of our environment.
Jolyon Burnett is the CEO of the Australian Macadamia Society, a role he has held since August 2008. He is a Director and past Chair of the Australian Nut Industry Council, which represents seven tree nut crops grown in Australia.
Jolyon is a member of the Sustainable Development Committee of the National Farmers Federation and Chair of the Organic Industry Standards and Certification Council.
He is the Chair of the International Macadamia R&D Committee, an organisation based in Lincang, China dedicated to fostering closer research and commercial ties between the macadamia industries of the world.
He is also a Ministerial appointment to the Board of the NSW North Coast Local Land Services.
Jolyon has worked in Australian horticulture for the last 40 years during which time he has been the CEO of Irrigation Australia Limited, the CEO of Nursery & Garden Industry Australia, the Senior Program Manager for the Horticultural Research & Development Corporation, a Director of the Horticulture Australia Council, a member of the Australian Government National Water Commission Advisory Council, a member of the National Working Party on Pesticide Application and worked as a researcher, an academic, a horticultural consultant and journalist.
Jolyon has degrees in Agricultural Science and Environmental Science and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Host: Belinda Neville
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Published June 24, 2021
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