Client/patient resource.

Nuts are a delicious, nutrient-dense whole food, which can be an important part of a healthy diet. But for people allergic to nuts, they must be completely avoided.

To safely manage a nut allergy, it’s important to recognise nuts in their various forms, and to know which foods contain nuts.

Downloadable fact sheets to help manage a nut allergy:

Tips for managing a nut allergy:

When eating out, ‘always ask and always tell‘. Don’t rely on menu descriptions when ordering foods and drinks at restaurants. Instead, disclose your allergy to those preparing the food, and ask about ingredients, preparation, and cross‑contamination risks.

When food shopping:

  • Look for your allergen in the ingredients list, and for precautionary allergen labelling on packaging.
  • Check each time you purchase a food, as manufacturing practices can change.
  • Check for nuts ‘hidden’ in foods, such as meals or flours, butters, essences, milks, and oils.
  • If you only need to avoid some nuts, consider buying other nuts in shell to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Take care with cosmetics and skin creams, as these sometimes contain nut products.

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